How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

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How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by lauriet »

I love my 1928 22H Conn artist ballroom because its Vintage, is has got character, the things its seen, its small bore, its small bell. Its got a matt finish. It takes me back to a better time.
I love my Yamaha 354 because its brand new, its shiny, its slide is great.
I love my King 606 because its a bit beat up so I don't have to worry about knocking it. I can take it anywhere without worrying about damage.

Why do you love your Horn ???
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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by imsevimse »

Music in it self is healing. It is the way I express myself and the way I meet friends. I'm not in love with a particular instrument. The horns are to me different characters that adds variation, and greater variations means more things to master which means more joy. Right now the most used horns for gigs are a Bach 36BO, a Conn 44h "Vocabell" and a Kanstul 1662 bass but when I practice I usually work on other horns because those are in their cases ready for next gig or next rehearsal.

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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by Kingfan »

I love my 2B because it is light and responsive, sings like an opera soprano.
I love my 3B-F as it is a versatile horn, changes to fit my needs at the time.
I love my 4B-F because it was my first non-student horn, picked up from the designer at the King factory over 40 years ago, and lives up to it's name - "Sonorous"
I live my Holton TR180 as it plays so well it makes the trumpet section turn around and give me the thumbs up.
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing! :D
Greg Songer
King 606, King 3B-F: DE LT101/LTD/D3
King 4B-F: Bach 5G Megatone gold plated
King 2107 bass: DE MB109/MB J/J8 King
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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by sirisobhakya »

I love my YBL-830 bass because it has the sound I want: a good balance between darkness and brilliance, and between gentleness and rudeness, all at my disposal.

The most important: I can say it saved me from suicide. How can I not love it?
Chaichan Wiriyaswat
Bangkok, Thailand
“Why did I buy so many horns when I only have one mouth…?”
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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by brtnats »

I love my 891Z. I'd play it all day, every day, if I had half the chance. It's big, it's small, it's bright, it's dark and smoky. I've never played a better small horn, and it makes me want to practice.

Ditto everything with my 822G bass. It plays so well for a dependent horn that I'm (almost) not tempted by indy setups. Single valve when I want it. Tenor up high, big bass down low.
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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by Bassbonechandler »

It's my first and only true bass trombone I've played but I love my getzen 1052fd for its wonderful colorful sound in the upper register and dark sound in the low. I got it for a steal too!
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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by TromboneCat »

I love my Yamaha Xeno because it is very versatile and as smooth as warm butter. It is so amazing, words can't even express how much I love playing it!
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Re: How do I love thee. Let me count the ways.

Post by Finetales »

I love my 72Hs because they feel like they were made for me and the way I play. The sound concept I have in my head just falls out of them. My indy '63 72H is the first bass trombone I've ever owned that makes me feel like I never want to upgrade or even consider playing anything else.

I love my early-'70s 3B because it is the ultimate workhorse. It slays at whatever role I throw at it and seems to ask "is that all?"

I love my '62 88H because it's everything a great 88H should be.

I love my Selmer Largos because they have the most gorgeous lyrical sound. They can light up too, but played softly in the middle to high register there's no sweeter trombone.
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