So ... I've been thinking and scratching my head and wringing my hands about this for the past day or so -- in part trying to figure out what I really might want. The information in this thread has been very helpful. Looking more closely at the Bollinger set-up (and at other tunings, and at the charts in Aharoni's book). I'm less convinced that this is really what I want. Mostly, I think what I want is either the Gb or G or flat-G on the thumb paddle, and the F on the finger paddle.
Then, I stumbled across this other thread (in which some of you also participated, and which I'd seen before and just forgotten), and this nice layout of the circuit lengths and how to convert from one to another:
viewtopic.php?p=65015#p65015. Also, I now have in my possession both an additional replacement F slide and a replacement Gb slide.
So my current thinking is simply to change my F (currently thumb paddle) circuit to Gb (plenty of room to do this without even having to move any braces -- just some tube cutting and slide reconstruction), and move my current F slide over to the finger paddle circuit -- and this requires no modification at all, though if I like the result I will probably reconstruct the slide tubing to eliminate an excessive amount of exposed inner. That will achieve the goal of Gb on the thumb paddle and F on the finger paddle. I'll play with that for a while and then think some more. An additional advantage of this is that it's completely reversible just by swapping back to the old slides.
Kind of a science fair project.