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Stolen Instrument and other equipment!!!!!....... Please help if you can.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:15 am
by ttf_Chris Fidler
A good friend and colleague of mine Lee Hallam had his livelihood stolen last week in the UK.
Please be on the look out if you can for the following listed below (particularly UK/Euro members) although worldwide should also be considered these days as these scumbags will try any way possible to make a quick buckĀ  Image


Hi everyone, just a quick post to let everyone know that someone broke into my car near Sheffield on sunday afternoon and stole everything - yes, that's about the size of it!

I was on my way to a recording session and so had my trombone, two most prised mouthpieces, all my mutes and my stand with me. They also got my 17" mac-book pro and my iPhone 5s (white and gold 64gig).

The trombone was a Vincent Bach Mt. Vernon, Model 8 (i have the serial no if anyone gets in touch).

There was a Vincent Bach Mt Vernon 11C mouthpiece and a Vincent Bach artisan 11C mouthpiece in with it along with some Slide-O-mix and a superslick water sprayer bottle and a couple of dusters etc.

Also, in the side pocket of the trombone case was a Korg OT120 tuning machine.

It was all in a black fabric covered lightweight hard gig bag with a shoulder strap.

In a black wheelie case was:
An old Humes and Berg mica mute, cup mute, copper bottomed straight mute, 7" Bucket mute, Solotone mute and pixie mute. There was also a black rubber plunger in there too along with a very old Hamilton trombone stand of some sentimental value given to me by a long deceased mentor and friend.

There was also a grey Reunion blues zip pouch containing various bits & bobs i.e. pull through, mouthpiece brush, valve oil and a stratos.

My Mac-Book pro was in there too along with it's charger and iPhone Charger! This contained quite a few sibelius scores i've been working on which weren't backed up!

If anyone should see or hear about ANYTHING that might resemble any of this gear PLEEEEEEEESE P.M. me if you can or just post here and let me know where & how you heard about or saw it.

As you can imagine, i'm utterly gutted!

Please feel free to re-post if you think it will help!

Thank you in anticipation to anyone who is willing to try to help!

Stolen Instrument and other equipment!!!!!....... Please help if you can.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 8:04 am
by ttf_BGuttman
I've stickied this.

Hope the stuff gets located soon.

Stolen Instrument and other equipment!!!!!....... Please help if you can.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:02 am
by ttf_Chris Fidler
Thank's Bruce Image

Stolen Instrument and other equipment!!!!!....... Please help if you can.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:02 am
by ttf_Chris Fidler
Thank's Bruce Image