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Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:26 pm
by mainstay73
I’m 67 and wish to study trombone but wonder if I’m too old. Haven’t played since freshman year of high school. In my opinion the trombone is the most beautiful sounding and visually appealing instrument.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:26 am
by BGuttman
Are you dead? Dead people are too old.

As long as you have reasonable expectations. You are too old to play in a service band. I doubt you will be able to win an audition with a major symphony orchestra. But playing with a community band or jazz band is certainly in range.

We have lots of senior citizens who restarted after long absences so why not you?

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:17 am
by Ozzlefinch
What kind of defeatist nonsense is that? Of course you're not too old, in fact, you are exactly at the right age for you to start.

There's plenty of ways you can play in a group today at any age. Community bands are a good place to look, as are your local churches. You can link up with similar minded people and start a quintet and do charity events for children's hospitals and such.

Or, you could even do like me and be a part of an online group. (I'm actually the bass player in a Chinese surf rock band out of Macau-don't ask because even I can't answer how that happened, or why there's a surf rock band in China). I also do little coffee shop events for Christmas and Easter.

A year from now you are going to wish that you had started today. So pick up a 'bone right now and start playing. Play at your level, and only judge your progress against yourself

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 6:45 am
by PhilTrombone
Do it. Find a teacher you like.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:04 am
by harrisonreed
99 might be too old to be wasting time learning a new instrument. Maybe. You got time.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:14 am
by Neo Bri
mainstay73 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:26 pm I’m 67 and wish to study trombone but wonder if I’m too old. Haven’t played since freshman year of high school. In my opinion the trombone is the most beautiful sounding and visually appealing instrument.
I have several students your age, and they are all excelling...actively improving.

I really like working with this age group, too, because there's a level of self-motivation that makes things smooth and fun.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:45 am
by tjonz
I'm 70 and I still take lessons. Just do it.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:42 am
by Vegasbound
Go for it, have some lessons too

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 10:23 am
by BrassSection
I’m nearing 70 and still actively playing. (And maintaining a small farm raising our own meats) Fellow in a local brass band is still active in his mid 80s, playing, arranging, and occasionally conducting. I may be an old fart, but I’m far from being an old geezer!

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:33 am
by henrysa
Well I'm 70 years old, and fat, and ugly, but working my way up to play rest homes. Lots of wealthy widows and free bran muffins. Then I'm gonna sell franchises.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 3:53 am
by SimmonsTrombone
I took up playing tuba at 70.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:42 am
by Crazy4Tbone86
I think it takes a mature, responsible person to play an instrument. If you don’t feel like it is something that is the right fit at this time, wait a few years and you might feel better equipped.

All joking aside, I know a lot of musicians who are doing some exceptional playing in their 70s. Some of them took many decades off and only rekindled their musical passion in recent years.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:27 am
by TrryReynolds
Do it!! :good:

You'll thank yourself later for jumping right in; it's a beautiful instrument.
I'm so glad I "came back" to playing- I'm in year 37 as a band director, and while I didn't completely put the instrument away over the years, I played with students on their various band instruments, and I found that I couldn't keep my trombone chops in good shape. I realize some folks have successfully done so.
By way of example, I'm turning 60 soon, and for the last few months I have the privilege of working with an legendary teacher, Alan Raph, who just turned 90!

From Alan's perspective, you're young. :biggrin:

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:30 am
by afugate
TrryReynolds wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:27 am
By way of example, I'm turning 60 soon, and for the last few months I have the privilege of working with an legendary teacher, Alan Raph, who just turned 90!
What a treat that must be. :)

I have occasion to work with Irv Wagner at OU who recently turned 86. He's such a terrific teacher! So many nuggets I can pass along to the kids I work with.

--Andy in OKC

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:47 am
by tbdana
mainstay73 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:26 pm I’m 67 and wish to study trombone but wonder if I’m too old. Haven’t played since freshman year of high school. In my opinion the trombone is the most beautiful sounding and visually appealing instrument.
A year from now you'll be 68. You can either be 68 with a year of playing trombone under your belt, or 68 without it. Which would you prefer?

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:46 am
by Kbiggs
You’re never too old to start playing an instrument.

What are your goals? If they’re to play with the New York Phil or Wynton Marsalis’s Lincoln Center Band, those might not be reasonable. However, if you want to have fun, socialize with like-minded people, stretch yourself mentally, physically and emotionally… there’s no better way.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:21 pm
by TomWest
You are not too old and you are not alone in wanting to start learning a musical instrument. I started playing alto saxophone at age 66 after I retired, an instrument I had never played before, got a few lessons and was able to join a New Horizons band after about a year. These days at 74 I’m a beginner trombone player. I had never played a brass instrument before, and I mean never. So it is all new, the lip buzz, the slide, the base clef, everything. But I’ll do alright, it just takes time and practice, and so will you. Be patient, and as others have said, take some lessons. Enjoy the experience.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:26 pm
by PBarber
I just started back up myself after close to 40 years off. I find it funny how excited I feel driving on the way home from work and cant wait to put in 45 min to an hour just to to sound like a first year student again.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:04 pm
by ezra
I'm 78 and just re-hired a teacher I had before the pandemic.

Just wish I could play the way I'd like to.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:39 am
by afugate
ezra wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:04 pm Just wish I could play the way I'd like to.
Don't we all... :)

--Andy in OKC

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:29 pm
by jazztonight
True story: Years ago, I was playing keyboard in a jazz band. At the party after our final concert I was chatting with two of the trombonists in the band and told them I loved the sound of the trombone and what did they think of me taking it up. One of them asked me how old I was, and I told them "32." They looked at each other and then turned to me and both told me I was too old to take up a brass instrument, particularly the trombone. So I didn't.

Years later, I was playing flute in a local concert band (I'd already played tenor sax for 15 years and took up the flute as a "retirement project"). I was chatting with the first trombonist in the band and told him that story, and his response was, "Nonsense! I've got a trombone for you. I'll bring it next week." And he did. He gifted me a 1935 Conn 4H.

That was almost 5 years ago. Now when I tell the story, I mention that instead of taking up the trombone at 32, I started at 72.

I agree that it's never too late, until you're dead. Which I'm not, and neither are you. (I'm currently using a King 3B, play 1-2 hours a day, and have a wonderful teacher.)

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:50 pm
by 2bobone
At 85 I'm still trying to master the ol' '"Slush Pump" ! Join the party ! Bruce Guttman nailed it : "Are you dead? Dead people are too old !"

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2023 11:04 am
by CharlieB
Go for it !!
Never let fear of failure override your desire to succeed.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 1:36 pm
by Jleeferg
You’re never too old to learn new things. I started learning trombone two years ago at age 45 and it has been an awesome journey.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:11 am
by BarryDaniels
My first post here. I played up through high school and then dropped the trombone for a guitar. I am 71 now so haven't touched a trombone or read music for 53 years! Last Friday a friend asked if I would play trombone in his small practice band, he would pay for the first 2 months of rent on a new Yamaha 354. The first day I could only play in the first register. 3 days later I am getting a range of 4 registers and my tone is surprisingly good. My first band practice is this afternoon? I am super excited about this and can't wait to learn more. I want to eventually improvise jazz and maybe get into a dixieland band. Glad to have found this forum.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:36 pm
by ghmerrill
mainstay73 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:26 pm I’m 67 and wish to study trombone but wonder if I’m too old.
So like what else is so important that you don't have time for the trombone? At that age (about 10 years younger than I am), you should maybe start to think about how much time you have left to do things like this -- and start on the trombone study immediately. You're losing time.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:31 pm
by tbdana
I play with the Paleo Bones trombone choir, so named due to the fact that everyone in the group is ancient. LOL! At 67 I'm the youngest. And, boy can this group play. It has guys like Jeff Reynolds, who I think is 80 now, and he plays the stuffing out of it. I have a student who is 82.

You're only too old the day after they plant you in the dirt.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:25 pm
by Tbonepts
As a flight instructor I taught my good friend, a respected trombone professor, how to fly. After he passed his checkride, he told me that I had to come in for a T-bone lesson. I reluctantly agreed and after a 45 year layoff I went to see him. After two!! lessons he put me in his jazz workshop class and in 4 months I did a jazz solo in our concert. In the first 2 months I was playing at least as well as I did in high school band.
Now, at 70, I'm playing in the UNLV Community Concert Band and having a great time with some very good players and Professors. And, I've been getting into buying both new and vintage horns.
Jump in and start playing! Just remember that the ticking you keep hearing is getting louder and faster. Have fun!!!

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:16 pm
by OneTon
We had an accountant at Cessna that resumed playing after he retired. He played in our jazz band for a while. For at least 10 years before he passed, he was on the short list of top sidemen players, and could have held his own at Lincoln Center. I know because I heard him play with Maynard Ferguson’s Nouveau Big Bop Band’s lead trombone player. Many such players resume playing and have great experiences playing with the local community band. Go for it.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:36 pm
by Savio
mainstay73 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:26 pm I’m 67 and wish to study trombone but wonder if I’m too old. Haven’t played since freshman year of high school. In my opinion the trombone is the most beautiful sounding and visually appealing instrument.
Haven't been in here for a long time, so bear with me. It's never too late to play the trombone or become the next president. :biggrin: Joking aside, music has no age limits. Both listening and playing. My advice is to enjoy it as much as possible. I am 62 and will never stop playing.

About practice; Before I called it practicing, now I almost call it "yoga". Long notes, flexibility, light melodies. Focus on sound, singing and enjoy it. But the best thing in the world of music is playing with others. So maybe find a local band to play with if possible? Anyway, enjoy the trombone and happy new year!


Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 5:13 pm
by tbdana
I have a student who is 86. He's learning to play the horn properly, he's playing Rochut etudes, and he's learning jazz theory and improvisation. This dude is my inspiration.

Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:36 pm
by imsevimse
You can do it!


Re: Too old to study trombone?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2023 6:43 pm
by afugate
Savio wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:36 pm
mainstay73 wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:26 pm I’m 67 and wish to study trombone but wonder if I’m too old. Haven’t played since freshman year of high school. In my opinion the trombone is the most beautiful sounding and visually appealing instrument.
Haven't been in here for a long time, so bear with me. It's never too late to play the trombone or become the next president. :biggrin: Joking aside, music has no age limits. Both listening and playing. My advice is to enjoy it as much as possible. I am 62 and will never stop playing.

About practice; Before I called it practicing, now I almost call it "yoga". Long notes, flexibility, light melodies. Focus on sound, singing and enjoy it. But the best thing in the world of music is playing with others. So maybe find a local band to play with if possible? Anyway, enjoy the trombone and happy new year!

It's a Christmas miracle!

Welcome home, @Savio. It's good to see your input. You've been missed.

--Andy in OKC.