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Some help on lead chops?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:27 am
by ttf_davdud101
I play a good amount of lead and jazz these days, but lately in my practice sessions there's a couple of things I've been noticing in my sound that I REALLY want to get to the root of - namely:

- A sort of crack at the start of notes. It doesn't seem to be the cracking that we usually think of - where the chops/mind are set to hit a pitch other than what comes out, resulting in momentarily hitting a different pitch than intended. It's more like a low pitched double buzz right at the start of some notes where (I'd reckon) the lips aren't completely at the same tension, maybe.... Not sure how ridiculous that sounds, Sam/Doug, feel free to destroy me on this, but until now I haven't found any explanation.

- I've *always* had the big tendency of changing my air stream, chops and tongue when making big leaps that causes me to thin out my tone and make it really airy. It's something I've been consciously fighting and working on for some weeks now and it is getting better, but I want to get to where ALL notes are approached and sustained with a rich, full tone

Hopefully there are folks around here who can give some tips on these two points so I can get on the path to greater success.
In any case... It's time to take some lessons!  Image

Some help on lead chops?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:50 pm
by ttf_Pteranabone
Steve Wiest wrote a method book for lead playing.  If I recall, it was called "Take the Lead".

Some help on lead chops?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:28 pm
by ttf_Doug Elliott
The things you describe are actually all the same thing from the same cause, and are related to what I wrote in the current discussion on the double buzz.

Except I think you may be upstream... But it's all related anyway.

You don't have full control of your bottom lip.  Be sure you're firm below the corners but not pinching at all, using the muscles below your corners to lock against your teeth and gums.

Be fully in that formation before you place the mouthpiece.

I would bet that's not very close to what you're currently doing.

Some help on lead chops?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:28 pm
by ttf_Doug Elliott
The things you describe are actually all the same thing from the same cause, and are related to what I wrote in the current discussion on the double buzz.

Except I think you may be upstream... But it's all related anyway.

You don't have full control of your bottom lip.  Be sure you're firm below the corners but not pinching at all, using the muscles below your corners to lock against your teeth and gums.

Be fully in that formation before you place the mouthpiece.

I would bet that's not very close to what you're currently doing.