Looking for Jazz Repertoire

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Looking for Jazz Repertoire

Post by BMajor17 »

Hello Everyone!

I am new to this platform to excuse me if I made some sort of error!

I am a year 12 student living in Australia who is hoping to enter a competition as part of my final year at school! I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for written jazz solo pieces for trombone. Ideally ones which have an existing piano accompanist part. I'm not afraid of improvisation so that's not an issue!

For context, the duration is around 3 to 5 minutes, I am approx. AMEB level 8 and I have 2 months to learn the piece.
Any help would be much appreciated as I've been researching for a while now and can't seem to find anything suitable.

P.S Let me know if this is the wrong thread to start the topic in!

Kind Regards
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Re: Looking for Jazz Repertoire

Post by cmcslide »

The first two pieces which come to my mind which would fit what you are looking for are Trombonology by Tommy Dorsey and Reflective Mood by Sammy Nestico. Both pieces are 3-5 minutes long, have fully written piano parts and additionally, they have accompaniments available for different kinds of bands. Trombonology is very much a technical piece, a showpiece that Dorsey wrote and recorded with his band in the 1940's, while Reflective Mood is more lyrical. Neither piece incorporates improvisation into the solo part. Both go into pretty high registers (Reflective Mood to a C5, and Trombonology ends on the F above!). Keep an eye on this thread to see what other suggestions come up, and good luck!
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Re: Looking for Jazz Repertoire

Post by cmcslide »

You can find recordings of both of these on YouTube, as well.
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Re: Looking for Jazz Repertoire

Post by Rusty »

Try the Intermediate and original Jim Snidero ‘Jazz Conception’ books...there’s some tricky stuff in there and although it doesn’t come with a piano part, when I’ve had students perform these types of things (I’m also in Aus) we’ll use a live rhythm section which then gives you the freedom to open up a section for any improv.

They’re unaccompanied, but the ‘Bone Kill’ Book by Michael Davis has some very challenging modern jazz etudes too.
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