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playing after cervical fusion

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 3:30 pm
by sacfxdx
Anyone here have a cervical fusion? How did it affect your playing?

Thanks. I have one in my future. :(

Re: playing after cervical fusion

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 2:03 pm
by Estraven
I had a C5/C6 ACDF (with hardware and spacer, also using allograft) at the end of July. This was my second ACDF. The morning after my surgery I was told by the surgeon’s PA (who just happens to also be a very good French hornist) that I could continue playing unless I experienced discomfort. Since then I have had no issues with respect to playing.

All of that said, these procedures are very complex, and every one is different in some way. Ask your surgeon to be sure.

Re: playing after cervical fusion

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:22 pm
by SteveM
I had a cervical fusion about 10 years ago. I resumed playing after about 6 weeks, I think, without any problems. During the physical therapy, following the surgery, I asked the PT about playing and she suggested that I bring the trombone to the next session, which I did, and she had a few good suggestions on things I should try to avoid doing. I recommend doing that.

Also, think about any tensions you have when you play. I tended to have a lot of tension and downward pressure in my neck as I exhaled. I found that extending my head upwards slightly, as I exhaled, helped to reduce that (Alexander Technique is a good resource for this).