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Some Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:12 pm
by ttf_TromboneFantasy
Hello! I have 18 years old, and start learn trombone at the 12. Play with a Yamaha Ysl-356g and a yamaha 48 mouthpiece. I'm not sure if this combination works on me , after me , no , but it's only horn I owned , I  do not feel well on this mouthpiece,is small,I feel that my lips is moneyless. Usually play 3-3,5 hours on every day.My warm-up is long , 30-60 minutes,even more . I play many exercises, like little buzzing at start 5-10 min , long tones,slurs,scales,articulation,glissandi,chromatic section,intervals,etc,.I like Kopprasch study book and remington flexibility book,and others.I do not know what help me to progress . I'm always looking for new ideas , to help me . I have problems with high range . My range is C# maybe D(hard) (both 2 ) . But G,A,Ab,Bb,B naturally is little strangulated and no have total control on them.I can not articulate good this notes , sometimes Ab on first position crack . My stability on high range is bad . I did not have before this problems ( I say about 1/2 years ago , Everything was fine in the past,or it was not like that advanced ) . Resistance it is also low,I do not succeed to play as long as is wish , it is  very frustrating for me,need more stamina . Also , articulation is not very clean and fast . i'm not very good to the chapter technique,never been,is not my strong point,work it for that . I finished school and in this summer I enrol on the music academy ( faculty,like juillard in your country ) . I work hard in every day  to become a good player. For this problems what to play to solve them ? I read many good  things on forum , you are nice guy with great experience.I do not know if I've given all the details about problem . I think have a fundamental problems on my embouchure or something they are wrong, put too much pressure on mouthpiece ? .
Maybe in the end I will succeed,I would be happy ,until then it's hard  Image Image Image

ps : I now , my english is very bad , sorry for that.  Image Image

Some Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:22 pm
by ttf_BGuttman
I assume you have a private teacher in the Conservatory.  He should be able to help you a lot more than any of us trying to take a guess from 10,000 Km away.

It could be your maouthpiece is too small, or it could be something else.

It sounds like you don't know what to apply to your problems.  A teacher or coach can help you get on the right track quickly.

Incidentally, Ab in 1st should be VERY flat and if you are trying to lip it into tune that could cause the cracking.  G, F#, and F should be in a sharp 2, 3, and 4 respectively.

Some Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:24 pm
by ttf_Le.Tromboniste
This sounds like you need a good teacher working closely with you. Forumites could give you all the advice they can, it's not worth much without hearing and seeing you play.

You say you're starting at a music school? Which one? Have you had lessons with the teacher?

Some Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:36 pm
by ttf_bigbassbone1
The problems you are describing are why people go to music school.... aren't they?
If you could get the same education from reading posts here on the internet as a hands on practical education at school, then no one would enroll in music school.... despite what anyone might say to the contrary here in the internet, you will learn more at school with your teacher than you will reading posts on here.

When do you start your studies? Perhaps wait until then, And if you still have problems or are confused with the information your trombone teacher is giving you, then maybe come on here and see if there is anyone in the internet who can give you clarification. Not before that though.

Some Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:26 pm
by ttf_TromboneFantasy
My lips are very tired , I play hard in recent days .How to get back ? Fresh ? It hurts under my lower lip,And was a sign from the mouthpiece permanent in that area .

Some Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:29 pm
by ttf_Le.Tromboniste
Take a break!

Some Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:57 pm
by ttf_TromboneFantasy
Total break  ? No play ?

Some Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 3:33 pm
by ttf_bigbassbone1
Well... break as long as you need for your lips to not feel tired. Or if you don't want to not play, pick some easy exercises in a comfortable register, and a comfortable dynamic and play there until your lips feel less worn out. Don't force anything to happen though.

Some Problems

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:49 pm
by ttf_Le.Tromboniste
You said you have a permanent mouthpiece mark on your lips, that you played a lot these last days, and that you feel pain "under" (below?) your lower lip. To me that means you are more than just tired from a good day's work - you are exerting your face and going beyond what you can sustain. You are getting yourself tired faster than your body is able to recuperate. That can lead to injuries.

Knowing when to stop is very important. You should be taking days off. (I try to take one day completely off the instrument every week. Some people take less, some people take more). And when you feel like your face has not fully recuperated from the previous days, even if you play, you should take it easier and listen to your body.

Now on top of that, you said you think you might be putting "too much pressure on the mouthpiece". That's a dangerous situation. Plus you've been having problems for 6 months? I would definitely recommend you take at least a day or two off now, and get lessons in person with a good teacher as soon as you can to find out what is causing the problem. You really don't want to injure your lips.

Some Problems

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 12:05 am
by ttf_TromboneFantasy
Thx for advice .

Some Problems

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 12:05 am
by ttf_TromboneFantasy
Thx for advice .