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Reaching out to Band Directors in a new city

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:18 pm
by BassTrombone89
Hey all!

So I'm in the first year of grad school working on a trombone Pedagogy degreea. I'm finally at a point where I'm settled in the degree/work schedule and would love to snag some students.

Last year I had about 20 students from being sent everybody by all the band directors I knew already being from the area working at the local music store.

Now being an outsider in a new city, I'm looking for thoughts and ideas on reaching out to Band Directors to teach/give Masterclasses while I'm here. I've been able to snag 2 students so far with minimal leg work but would prefer closer to 10-15.

What might make that difficult is summer being around the corner and I have sent in applications to Interlochen as well as Blue lake to hopefully snag an instructor spot in their summer music camps.

Looking forward to seeing the hiveminds ideas on this.

Re: Reaching out to Band Directors in a new city

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:36 pm
by Neo Bri
I would love to see some good replies here. Looking forward to some good posts.

Re: Reaching out to Band Directors in a new city

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:15 pm
by Kingfan
Looks like crickets so far. My only input at this point of the school year is to contact the local music stores.

Re: Reaching out to Band Directors in a new city

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:45 am
by brtnats
I haven't taken on any students since moving, but I'm a firm believer that gigs always lead to gigs. Get yourself out and playing with other people and someone will inevitably ask.


Re: Reaching out to Band Directors in a new city

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:00 am
by Vegastokc
Here is my 2 cents for what its worth :idea: :
If you have not already, before school starts maybe hit the SPS website and contact the Fine Arts Director or Super. They might be able to help with an email list for an intro blast to all the band directors in the district. Or you could go school by school through the contact list.
Springfield is one of the largest districts in MO so opportunity to build a student clientele should be there. Especially with a little word of mouth. (Or a little old school face to face with donuts. :good: )
Also you could do the same thing with Joplin if you do not mind driving out once a week.
Connecting with a music store there might work well if you have the time and reliable transport.
Check out Palen Music Centers. They are one of the big providers in this part of the world. They have locations in Sprfld and Joplin and are usually pleasant to deal with. (Ok so that was more than 2 cents....)